Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

I have had a head cold for six or seven days. Today it is considerably better, and I decided I was well enough to go to church. After church I went to Walmart and ordered some pictures off of Peg's CD of our fall 2009 trip. Then I stopped and picked up lunch at Long John Silvers.

Yesterday, Cassandra called. They had just opened the Valentines Day package I mailed them. Cassy wanted to talk about each item in the box and make sure that each person in her family got the exact items meant for them.

Last night, Christa called, very upset because she had been asked to leave work after she and Otilio had an argument in the restaurant. At the end of the argument (if I recall correctly) Otilio said that he wants to go back to Mexico. I think he is desperate for home and family. Later on, according to another phone call, they talked on the phone and both of them apologized for whatever happened. Christa was crying so hard, that I am not sure I got the exact details and sequence of all that happened. I have to try to get together with her this coming week.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday, Feb. 10th 2010

I am feeling a LOT better today. Its my fourth day of using Afrin, and it might be my last.
I think I still need a day or two to stay at home and rest up, but I might go into work on Friday.
But I might not, I desperately need to get my hair colored.

I asked Carrie's afternoon aide (Deb) if she would take Cassandra and Tylers Valentines Day package to the post office on her way through West Oneonta and she agreed to do that for me. So, it should arrive in time for Valentines Day. Its not much, its mostly books I found at FSA, a card for each kid and some small items, a package opener for Chris and a magnet that Megan made when she was a child.

The chili and corn bread I took out of the freezer will make a quick, easy and good supper for Carrie and I.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2/9/2010 and I am sick

I have the worst head cold ever. I took this week off from work. I hope I can return next week.
This is my third day using AFRIN. The ear nose and throat specialist said to NEVER use it more than five it does not start to clear up in a couple of days, I will have to make an appointment.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week of February 1 through 5, 2010

Not an exciting week. I worked my two shifts on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday, there was an FDC advisor luncheon at Family Services. We had pizza and salad from the Undercover Eggplant. Its been cold, but no snow. Earlier today I spent some time with my friend, Connie, but that will go on MY ADVENTURES. I stopped by the Fiesta tonight to give Christa her birthday present from her Grampa Niethe. She said she and Otilio are not speaking to each other. I asked if they had a big fight and she said no.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Nothing special

Sunday the 31st I went to church and then out to lunch with a friend.

Today, I stayed home and did my FDC work, and a bit of housework.

Tonight on TV, I found a show I like AMERICAN PICKERS, about two guys who travel around buying up old stuff to resell. Eight p.m. Monday night on the History Channel. I hope I remember that next Monday. Its an interesting show!